Diablo – How does Firestarter work


The tooltip for Akarat's Champion – Firestarter states:

Dealing damage burns enemies with the power of Akarat, dealing 460% weapon damage as fire over 3 seconds.

What sources of damage trigger this effect? In particular, I'm asking about the passive equipment procs such as the Fire Chains from Maximus, Fire Walkers, and Pox Faulds. Do those count? What about damage from summoned units (Bowmen from Phalanx) and followers?

Is there a cooldown or do faster ticks/attacks proc the burn more times? Does it stack?

Best Answer

According to this post and this post the dot procs with 100% chance (no proc coefficients) and it stacks (which can lead to ticks with over one million damage). This also means faster/more attacks will proc the dot more often, as there seems to be no coooldown.

According to this post it procs from Firewalkers ground effect damage, but not from Maximus fire chains or Phalanx Bowmen (this post).

As the posts also mention, this is extremly powerful and may get reduced / nerfed in a future patch (for example by applying proc coefficients).

PS: This all comes from players, there are no official sources which explain the skills in that much detail. It is consistent with my own (limited) experience playing crusader.

PS2: I did some own testing and could confirm, that Phalanx Bowmen attacks did not proc the Firestarter effect, but the ground effect damage from Firewalkers did (I do not have a Maximus to test that one).