Diablo – How important is magic find


I'm level 55 and I have a measly 22% increase in Magic Find, should I have more? Does it even matter? I'm not getting as many rares as I'd expect to get, not even that many blues, and I haven't seen a good item since that level 21 blade I found a long… loooong time ago.

What am I doing wrong if I want more rares, and good ones at that?

Best Answer

Once you reach max level you will certainly be grinding act 1 inferno for awhile; both to boost your own abilities via the odd lucky find and to get enough gold to get the elite items necessary to progress past act 1.

On these runs, you'll want to have as much MF as possible without sacrificing your ability to kill and avoid being killed, as more MF translates into more gold AND more rares/legendary, so both your "lucky find" ratio as well as your gold output will improve.

As such, ignore what EBongo just said and work on getting MF when you hit max level.