Diablo – How to run faster


So slow. I see that sprint was removed since Diablo 2, but is there any way to run faster (e.g., a run/walk toggle, a keyboard shortcut, a magic item perk, shrines, potions)? If so, what, and where can I get or do it?

I noticed each class has a movement ability (leaping/teleport skills), but is it meant to replace running altogether? Is there an omni-character solution? All the Google hits are about "running" Diablo on your PC.

Best Answer

The standard movement speed is as fast as it gets in Diablo 3. There is no run/walk toggle because you're now always running. Stamina no longer exists, and there's no real reason to ever move at a slower pace.

As for running faster, however, there are items that increase your movespeed. You are most likely to find this affix on boots, although it also exists much more rarely on other items.

Here is a partial list of affixes discovered so far and their properties. What you'll be looking for are boots that are Quick or Nimble.

Nimble Boots