Diablo III – How to Tell if a Weapon Is One-Handed or Two-Handed in Diablo III on PS3


This is probably a noob question but I don't see any consistent indication on whether a particular weapon is one or two-handed. Sometimes it is implied in the weapon name but not always. Spending your hard earned gold on the wrong weapon is no fun at all.

I tried searching for it but the results are flodded with questions on whether to wield one or two-handed weapons which is not what I'm interested in. Is there another way to see this in-game?

Best Answer

On PC, there is an explicit note about handedness right there on the item card, in the top right.

Item card

Anyway, here's the list. Of all weapons that don't explicitly state that they are two-handed, the following weapons are:

  • Polearms
  • Staves
  • Daibos

There are also two-handed Axes, Maces, Swords, Flails and Mighty Weapons, but those also exist as one-handed, and 2H versions always state themslves as, for example, "Two-Handed Flail".

Also Bows and Crossbows are two-handed. But Demon Hunters have an unique ability to equip Quivers to their off-hand, making Bows and Crossbows effectively one-handed for them, and other classes rarely have any reason to equip ranged weapon anyway.

Also, items are listed by handedness here: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/item/