Diablo – Is it possible to manage Battle.net friends out of game


I just started playing Diablo III and have noticed that, so far, I've only been able to add friends and accept friend requests from in-game. This is a bit frustrating, as I usually chat to my mates during lunchtime – a perfect time to manage my friends list online.

Is there a way to do this? I've looked through the battle.net site and the Diablo III community site and, if the option is there somewhere, it's certainly not obvious!

Does anyone know if this is a feature that is planned?

PS I already noticed that there's no Facebook import feature in D3: How can I add my Facebook friends to my Battle.net contacts in Diablo III?

Best Answer

There's currently no way to add or manage friends other than via the in-game client.

However, since BattleTag friends are shared with SC2 BattleTag friends, you can see a list of your friends if you visit your SC2 friends page (assuming, of course, that you and your friend both have SC2).

Your SC2 friends page should be at http://<"eu"/"us"/etc.>.battle.net/sc2/<"en"/etc.>/profile/friends (e.g. http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/friends if you're logged in to your EU SC2 account on Battle.net).