Diablo – What does Iron Maiden do


The Iron Maiden skill description is…lacking.

Gain Thorns.

How much thorns? What exactly does this passive do?

Best Answer

What exactly does this passive do?

As of patch 2.0.5.

Your Thorns has been increased by 50%.

Pre patch 2.0.5 information.

What exactly does this passive do?

The passive gives you a static amount of thorns damage based on your current level and difficult level. You can't unlock Iron Maiden until level 50. And you can't unlock a passive slot until level 10.

Here is what i have so far:

Assuming level 70. And assuming a base value of thorns 6102 at normal level and level 70.

You can multiply that base value by the Monster Health % gained from the increase in difficulty level. And you will get numbers that are VERY close to the numbers that show up on the passive for each of those difficulty levels. The "calculated value" column in my picture is =6102*monsterHealth. Difference is just the actual value - calculated value.

Here are my numbers:

enter image description here

How much thorns?

At level 70 the passive says the following for each difficulty level:

  • normal.......6102
  • hard...........12205
  • expert........19528
  • master.......31245
  • torment1....49992
  • torment2....79987
  • torment3....127978
  • torment4....204765
  • torment5....327625
  • torment6....524200