Diablo – When does a Hungry Corpse become a Hungry Torso


When killing a Hungry Corpse, it sometimes spawns a fresh Hungry Torso monster. When does that happen (I want to be prepared), and is there any way to prevent it from happening?

Best Answer

It depends on the remaining damage of the killing blow.

To be exact the amount for how much is the damage of killing blow higher than the "hungry corpse" remaining life,if that remaining amount is higher than required threshold(specific number unknown for now) the "corpse" will die completely if that amount is lower it will spawn the "torso".

Simply put if the "corpse" is very low on HP and you finish him with strong special ability the chances are it will not spawn the "torso".On the opposite if the "corpse" is hard to kill (depending on your lvl,gear,difficulty...) an you just autoattack him expect him to "split".