In The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword do the effects of the various medals stack? For example, if I equip the Treasure Medal
with the Cursed Medal
will that give the effects of both, granting much more treasure drops? Same for the Rupee Medal
and Cursed Medal
Zelda Skyward Sword – Do Medal Effects Stack?
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Best Answer
I believe you you guys are wrong. Many medals do stack. The 2 life medals will give two extra heart containers. Also, the cursed medal does not seem to nullify static effects. With the cursed medal in your bag you still get an extra heart container from a life medal, you still get extra ammo from ammo bags, and the bug medal still works with the cursed medal as well. Also other items like ammo bags stack if you have more than one.
All this seems to point to medals and other items stacking. Even with the cursed medal.