Do weapon proficiencies carry over on dropped weapons


Modern Warfare 3 has this system for equipping a "Proficiency" on your weapons. Does this proficiency "stick" with the weapon after it has been dropped?

For instance, if I pick up a downed friend's weapon, and he was using the "Kick" proficiency, will my shots with that gun carry a reduction in recoil as well?

What about if I mistakenly drop my weapon and then pick it back up? Will I lose my proficiency?

If it is possible to transfer proficiency when picking up a dropped weapon, how can I tell the proficiency that its old owner was using?

Best Answer

Yes. The proficiencies associated with the weapon picked up stay active while using the weapon. Your profile does not keep weapon proficiencies that you haven't unlocked if you toss the weapon or get killed.

It's the same as if you pick up a gun you haven't unlocked... Even though it's not available to you "in profile", you get to run around with it for a bit.