“Double XP” vs “Double Weapon XP” in MW3


What's the difference between "Double XP" vs "Double Weapon XP" in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3?

Which is the better choice?

Best Answer

Double XP will cause your "Player Level" (Your actual level) to progress at twice the normal rate, which will cause you to unlock new guns and perks at twice the normal rate (while it's active)

Double Weapon XP will cause your "Weapon Levels" (the level noted individually for every weapon) to progress at twice the normal rate, which will cause you to unlock new attachments for that specific gun at twice the normal rate (while it's active).

Double XP will not cause your guns to level up faster, and Double Weapon XP will not cause you to level up faster.

Both can be active at the same time however, causing both you and your guns to level up twice as quickly.