Do you keep buffs if you remove GTS


In XCOM 2 you can buy buffs to increase soldiers abilities via the Guriella Tactics School. If you remove that facility do the benefits remain?

Best Answer

Looking at the code, destroying the GTS will temporarily disable any unlocks until it is rebuilt somewhere else.

// X2StrategyElement_DefaultFacilities.uc
static function OnGTSRemoved(StateObjectReference FacilityRef)
    local XComGameState NewGameState;
    local XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom NewXComHQ;


    NewGameState = class'XComGameStateContext_ChangeContainer'.static.CreateChangeState("On Guerrilla Tactics School Removed");
    RemoveFacility(NewGameState, FacilityRef, NewXComHQ);


// XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom.uc
function ClearSoldierUnlockTemplates()
    // Saved the list in case the GTS is rebuilt, then clear it
    SavedSoldierUnlockTemplates = SoldierUnlockTemplates;
    SoldierUnlockTemplates.Length = 0;

And it is being used like this

// UISquadSelect.uc
simulated function bool UnlockedExtraSlot1()
    return XComHQ.SoldierUnlockTemplates.Find('SquadSizeIUnlock') != INDEX_NONE;