Does paint change the value of a painted hat


I currently have some "Indubitably Green" paint in my possession, and I'm trying to figure out which hat to paint.
I have one hat that I am considering, that I want to keep and never trade away.
Another hat I could see myself selling in the future.

If I was to paint a hat, would it increase/decrease/not change the value of the hat? Ie. Is a Green War Pig worth more/less/same as a non-painted War Pig?

Does this change in price apply to all hats?
Only certain, more rare hats?
Only the more common and easily obtainable hats?
Only certain colours of paint?

Best Answer

Paint will not necessarily increase the value of a hat for a potential buyer, and very well may make it much harder to sell said painted hat. Certain colors are more desired than others, mostly the ones that cannot be found through random drops, e.g. black, white, team colors, after eight, mann's mint, pink as hell, and lime.

In general, you would likely get more value selling the paint separately, and it would be much easier to sell than finding someone who wants both the hat and the color together.