Does running Dark Souls at higher frame rate cut down reaction time window


Dark Souls is locked to 30fps on all platforms, but there's a mod DSFix which allows running the game at 60fps.

Best Answer

A comment on Steam:

[...] parry windows and invisibility frames are tied to the frame rate. Sword & board 60fps is doable, but with a more fragile character that relies on rolling and parrying it's a mess.

From this answer:

[...] the active frame window for parrying (one of the most advanced combat maneuvers) is from 6 to 8 frames, I assume it is the same for kicking.

That being said, the game runs at ~30 fps giving you a whole 1/5 of a second to input the commands together.

Logically, at 60fps the time frame window of 6-8 frames would be 1/10-1/8 seconds, if indeed tied to fps.