Does the “speed” stat still not affect regular driving speed


In Mario Kart 7, the "speed" stat only affected your speed when going through boosts. Two different players driving in a straightaway with no boosts would travel at the exact same speed.

Is this still the case in MK8 or do we need to pay more attention to Speed in this game?

Best Answer

Reading the wiki, I found this:

Speed: The top speed of the vehicle.

It does not state however if the top speed is reached driving on normal track or going through a boost. But it then says:

Acceleration: The rate of the vehicle it takes to reach its top speed from a standing position.

Assuming they tested the acceleration in controlled conditions, boosts would not be involved in finding he acceleration because of how they speed up the kart.

Therefore the top speed of each kart can be reached without boosts, although the kart can reach a greater speed through a boost.

For example:

If you were driving a golf cart at its top speed (say 20 km/h), then a car came up behind you and pushed you up to 40 km/h, giving you a boost. The top speed of the kart is still 20, even though it can go faster.

The speed stat does effect regular driving speed, regardless of boosts.