Dota – Are playerless match outcomes fixed


In Dota 2, if the players were to leave the Radiant and Dire creeps to play the game out without doing anything in game, is the fate of the match set (favored towards Dire/Radiant), or is it entirely random?

I'm just curious to see if anyone knows if a match that is played out with players on both sides not participating and letting the creeps duke it out would result in one side winning all the time or just Radiant winning some and Dire winning some?

Best Answer

No, It's random since the damage creeps inflict is actually randomized within a certain range :


  • 19-23 for normal
  • 36-44 for super
  • 96-104 for mega


  • 21-26 for normal
  • 41-46 for super
  • 131-136 for mega

Then you have to take into account uphill misses from range creeps when they occur which are also random.

Those small random elements cause the creepwave's fight to almost always leave one creep alive thus destroying the balance of the lane leading to one team inevitably winning. However since the damage are random, which creep is left alive is not pre-determined.