Dota – Does silence affect hero passives


For example – if sniper if silenced, can his (very irritating :P) headshot still proc? Or does Shadow Friend still capture souls when last hitting? Etc.

I ask because when I'm playing with an Orchid, I'm unsure as to which targets to prioritise in a teamfight i.e. if I'm against drow and sniper, should I silence drow to stop her using her silence/knock-back, or sniper to stop his mini-stun?

Hope this makes sense, let me know if not and I'll edit accordingly 🙂


Best Answer

Silence will not disable passives or items. Only prevent people from actively casting a spell or interrupt a spell they are currently channelling. EDIT: Silence will disable any passive invisibility though (Rikimaru's Ultimate, Moonlight Shadow or Broodmother in her web)

There are 2 skills in the game that WILL disable passives though. Doom's doom, and Legion Commander's duel. These are considered "mutes" and disable EVERYTHING, including items (both passives granted by the item and active item abilities). Although, Legion Commander's doesn't disable every passive in the game. So Doom is still the strongest in that regard.

As if it wasn't confusing enough another variation is Disrupter's ultimate. With the Aghs upgrade it'll disable spell casting AND item usage but NOT passives.

Here is a breakdown of it including all the inclusions and exclusions between LC and Doom's mute: