Dota – Gaining items after a match


Are there any condition to when or what items will be given to a player at the end of a match? Or is this pure luck base, or in my case un-luck based, since I played about 20 matches I often see 4 or 5 players get an item, sometimes just a couple. However in all those matches, only a single time I got presented with an item.

Best Answer

This might be outdated.

You get items regardless of the match outcome, that is, no matter you win or lose you have the same chance of getting items. However, there are two things to consider:

  1. You get one item 100% when you level up. Considering this, winning is actually beneficial to get items, because winning makes you level up faster, and leveling up gives you items.
  2. Depending on your level shown in your profile, you gain the chance of getting more rare items. After around level 15-20(not entirely sure), you will be eligible to gain arcana(rarest droppable) items, so after 225-300 games (obviously depends on win/loss ratio) you have the chance to gain all droppable items.

However, there is no information about whether or not there is a difference of drop chance between a 10 level and a 150 level account.