Dota – How does Lifestealer’s Feast work


How does this passive work?
It says: " Regenerates a portion of the attacked enemy's current HP and deals the same portion of damage per attack. " Life Leech: 4%/5%/6%/7%

So does that mean Lifestealer heals 7% of target's current HP AND adds that 7% as damage in next attack? I can't understand this. Let's say target is Pudge with 3000hp. 7%3000 = 210. So, basically, I'm lifestealing 210hp + dealing 210 damage when attacking?

Best Answer

Yes, basically you got it. You will deal +x dmg, x being the % (4/5/6/7) of the current health of your target. That's why Nai'x is a scary carry (especially versus strength heroes) You just have to remember that :

  • Feast deals phyiscal damage so the damage will be reduced by armor (that's why a Desolator on Nai'x is pretty cost efficient)
  • The heal and the +damage work independently. This implies that you will gain 210hp (taking your example), and the enemy will take 210 - x dmg (depending on his armor)