Dota – How is a hero’s Net Worth calculated


From what I understand so far, a hero's net worth grows over the time of a game. The value seems to include the hero's inventory and its current gold. Therefore I get that position 1 and 2 players usually have a higher value than those on position 4 or 5.

enter image description here

I just heard them say on stream, a really underfarmed support had a lower net worth after five minutes than he had at the start of the game. (Winter Wyvern in this screenshot)

How would that be possible?

Best Answer

Net worth is simply calculated by taking the gold in your bank, the gold value of your items in the courier and of those in your inventory (purchase value, not sale value).

You start with 625 gold as a hero but there are various ways to lose gold, among them:

  • Death. Death loses part of your unreliable gold (the gold you get passively, from last hits and runes/abillities that give gold)
  • Using consumables

The last one is the big one for a support, sure you start with 625, but most of that goes to a courier (120 for the base one and later on another 220 for the flying one). Once you use that courier it's not in your inventory and doesn't count for your net worth.

Same for consumables like tangos and wards, you use them, you "lose" net worth.

So, yeah, a support generally doesn't decrease in net worth, but it's certainly possible.