Dota – How much does Diffusal Blade slow enemies


I'm curious on how Diffusal Blade slows. The in-game description doesn't give any real details, and simply says something along the lines of "Slows enemy unit".

How great is the movement speed reduction percentage? Does it stack with other slows like Orb of Venom or Skadi?

Best Answer

According to this website:

The movespeed slows 100%, and then the slow decreases in 0.8 second intervals, so it slows for 100%/80%/60%/40%/20%, going one step down every 0.8 seconds.

This page also has some info on the buff: PURGE

As for the slow stack, I believe it does but I don't think you can slow a hero beyond 100%. That means, once the slow goes 80% or lower then you can see the effects of the other stacked slow items.