Dota – How to get even match with bots


When I make a lobby to practice against bots, I've noticed that hard bots are harder than unfair bots. Specifically, if I fill all 9 empty slots with hard bots, it seems like no matter how well I play, it's very difficult to win. Yet, when I choose to fill the slots with unfair bots, I win almost all of the time, regardless of how well I play.

Any thoughts on how to set up a match so how well I play is more likely to determine the outcome? Should I try 5v4, mixing hard and easy or some other set up?

By the way, I've tried medium bots and found that they're too easy. They seem particularly weak at harassing me in the laning phase so it's too easy to get last hits. However, medium bots on my team tend to randomly do stupid things individually and in groups so my results are very erratic.

Thank you and best regards.

Best Answer

This is an opinion, but try to put a medium level bot in your team and lane with him. Mixing more easier bots in your team can lose one lane easily, leaving you unlikely to win except you are playing carry. As you say 4vs5 is also interesting. You will have more gold to invest since the gold income of the fifth player will be divided within your teammates.

I think the ultimate difficulty is playing with other humans. Some won't know how to lasthit/deny, teamwork, buy the right items, play roles... let alone understanding English, even if you play in the US servers.