Dota – Mask of madness for Juggernaut


I've recently watched sevaral pub games and notices that juggernaut almost always got mask of madness one of the first. I wonder why is that? Was there any kind of patch for him and this item is now so vital? I know that using mask during ultimate lets you make a several more usual attacks but isn't it better to get desolator which will improve damage output both from ult and regular attacks?

Best Answer

In the 6.81 and 6.81b patches, Juggernaut's base attack time was reduced multiple times from 1.6 to 1.4. This lowered BAT makes any attack speed-enhancing effect more effective. The berserk attack speed, combined with the buffs to Juggernaut's critical strike passive (in patch 6.83) make him a very powerful right-clicker even early in the game (MoM is only two 900-gold pieces, easy to farm). Further, the berserk effect's movespeed makes it easier to farm the jungle, escape, or chase without being kited (a problem for all melee heroes).

As a note:

6.80 level 7 Juggernaut with Mask of Madness active - 0.67 seconds per attack

6.83 level 7 Juggernaut with Mask of Madness active - 0.58 seconds per attack

And it scales better with more Agility and attack speed gear from there.