Dota – way to make a skill autocast-able


So I was playing a bit of Bristleback, and after it got to late game, as it does, and I got an octarine core, with more mana than I could spend, I was pressing w to walk.

After that game, and a certain amount of hand cramp, I was wondering if there was a way, a console command possibly to make an ability able to be autocast?

I have a feeling the answer's no, as I vaguely remember autocast being added to specific spells in patches, but if you don't ask, you don't find out.

Best Answer

No it's not possible. at present the only autocastable ability are :

  • Manually castable Unique Attack Modifier like Drow's Frost Arrow or Viper's Poison Attack
  • Lich's Frost Armor
  • Ogre Magi's BloodLust
  • Troll Priest's (neutral) heal

You can however set a macro (on your mouse/keyboard) to press the key every x.xx sec depending on the spell.