Dota – What items can be transferred as non-muted


I noticed that all consumable items can be traded during a game and remain non-muted. But, I was surprised to find that ring of regeneration was also non-muted when I traded it.

What items can be transferred between heroes and not be muted?

Best Answer

All consumables can be shared and used by teammates:

  • Tangos
  • Healing Salve
  • Clarity
  • Bottle
  • Observer Ward
  • Sentry Ward
  • Animal Courier
  • Flying Courier
  • Dust
  • Smoke
  • TP Scroll
  • Cheese

Additionally, basic regeneration items can be shared:

  • Ring of Regen
  • Sage's Mask
  • Ring of Health
  • Void Stone
  • Perseverance

Gem can also be shared. Bottle and Divine Rapier have some interesting rules about sharing that don't come up much: you can't pass off bottled runes, but you can pass a Bottle and your teammate can fill it with a rune, then use it. Divine Rapiers can only be shared if an ally dies and a teammate picks it up, in which case it can be shared only with the original owner.