Enemies are Exploding on the Soldiers


Which enemies explode when they die, how much damage do they do, and what is the blast radius?

Sometimes after a Sectopod explodes, a nearby soldier has the "missed" message show up next to them. How does an explosion miss?

Best Answer

The Gatekeeper

A Gatekeeper's death explosion has a radius of "4.5 meters", which I'm fairly sure corresponds to 3 tiles in game, from other conversions I've seen. It deals 5 damage to everything in that radius, which is mitigated by armor (but up to 2 of that armor can be shredded). It cannot crit.

The Sectopod

A Sectopod's death explosion is.. exactly the same as a Gatekeeper. For some reason it's defined in such a way that all of the same variables are used in both places, meaning if you adjust GATEKEEPER_DEATH_EXPLOSION_BASEDAMAGE or GATEKEEPER_DEATH_EXPLOSION_RADIUS_METERS in the ini files, it'll change the values for both enemies!

Missing explosions

I have absolutely no idea why this happens, though I've seen it on my own soldiers multiple times. Having looked through the associated code, every comment states that explosions will be a 100% hit. Perhaps it's a bug, or maybe it's another way that the game cheats on your behalf. Hopefully someone else can identify the cause here.