Fallout – How to improve animations and textures in Fallout 3 GOTY


I am planning to restart Fallout 3 now that I bought the GOTY edition (I had previously bought and played the normal version without addons).

I remember that, when I played the first time, the only negative facts about game graphic were the not really nice animations and textures.

Do you know a mod to install that can improve these two aspects?

Best Answer

This is just a few of the more well regarded graphical/texture mods to make Fallout 3 prettier. This is by no means comprehensive nor gospel, and I won't even try to vouch for how well all of these will work together without a whole bunch of load order tweaking. Several of them also have other prerequisites that I'm not bothering to link independently here. All will mention them on their respective download pages. Fallout 3 modding, much like the previous Bethesda games, is as much alchemy and art as it is a science of just downloading things and installing them in the right place.

And my personal single most essential Fallout Mod, isn't graphical, but will keep you from going insane from hearing about how Bingo Bango Bongo Doesn't Want To Leave The Jungle for the millionth time...

Credit where due: Links lovingly and liberally scraped from this amazing SomethingAwful thread on FO3 modding, which contains lots of tips on getting set up with mods and mod tools in general.