Fallout – How to increase the experience gain when handing in quests


Will using Mentats before handing in quests affect experience gain? I'm piling up a few quests to hand in. If I buff my Intelligence two points with Mentats, will I get more experience when I hand in the quest? Do the Mentats bonuses stack?

Best Answer

Yes, using Mentats is just like having two extra Intelligence points for extra experience when handing in a quest. However, you can't stack more than one Mentats effect at a time (two extra points is the max).


If someone could confirm this in the comments below, I'd appreciate it. I think the easiest place to find the hat+body items is the Quincy Ruins. You can head there at the beginning of the game straight past Diamond City. In the middle of the town (held by raiders) is a storefront (Guns, guns, guns, it's called) that has a bunch of clothing items on an open shelf. One of them is the Ushanka Hat. I also went to the top floor of this building and found a Vault-Tec Lab Coat in the dresser next to the bed. (Can someone confirm whether this is random or a set item?)

  • Vault-Tec Lab Coat (+2 INT – locations)
  • Press Hat (+1 INT – trade with Piper when she becomes your companion)
    • Alternative: Ushanka Hat (+1 INT – Quincy Ruins, see above)
  • Liam's Glasses (+2 INT – at end of Plugging a Leak quest late in the game)
    • Alternative: Road Goggles (+1 INT – locations)

These items add to the Intelligence stat for extra exp gain atop Mentats when handing in quests. 10 (maximum base INT) +5 (apparel additional INT) +2 (temporary Mentats buff) = 17 INT points!


Waking from sleep with a "well rested" notification denotes a 10% experience buff for 12 hours (though I haven't been able to confirm this myself). If you sleep with a romanced partner, the bonus increases to 15% ("Lover's Embrace").