How close do I have to be to get mini-crits with the BackScatter


Scout's new primary, the Backscatter, proports to do Mini-Crit damage when shots are made to the back and at close-range.

enter image description here

So far, I've gotten plenty of mini-crit experience from backshots, but not once have I seen a mini-crit occur when up-close and in a person's face.

How close do you have to be to get a non-backshot mini-crit with the Backscatter as the Scout?

Edit: It is possible that the "and" here means you must be behind AND close to your opponent, rather than one or the other. If this is true, and can be confirmed, I'd like to know how close one needs to be to get mini-crit damage from behind.

Best Answer

From a quick test of mine, this is the max distance for Back Scatter mini-crits:

representative screenshot

I put the Soldier under the center of the light and crept closer until the shot was a mini-crit. I don't have the distance numbers, but hopefully this image is descriptive enough. To me it looks like about half Sentry visibility range; if so that's 512 Source units (the point where the distance modifier in the damage formula is 1.0).

And just to confirm, you cannot get mini-crits from the front with it. The "and" in the description means both conditions must be met. (I was confused about this too at first.)