How does replenishing Alchethe items like potions work


From what I have learned so far, I only need to create a potion once and then it'll be automatically refilled from strong alcohol when I meditate. But there are a few details I'm not sure about.

  • How much alcohol is used up, one per item or one per meditation?
  • Are bombs and oils filled up the same way?
  • Does it matter which potions or bombs are equipped at the time of meditation?

Best Answer

Testing this myself (after reading your other question on this subject), and finding some more information on the internet, I can conclude that:

  • Regardless of the amount of supplies that are refilled one alcoholic item is used
  • Bombs are also replenished
  • It appears that oils do not need to be replenished
  • All supplies, equipped or in the inventory, will be replenished the same

You can read more about this and other inventory mechanics in this reddit post. I have confirmed the part about replenishing supplies myself by testing in-game.