How long do soul gem charges last


I just crafted some Daedric war axes, with extra effect Frost and Shock. I enchanted each with a Grand Soul Gem. I decided I'd go try them out on some of the folks hanging around Whiterun. While the axes are indeed impressive, the charge ran out after killing a dozen or so people. Is this normal? Can anyone tell me how long charges last with soul gems? Thanks!

Best Answer

You can read the number of charges on the weapon when you look at them in your inventory. They will use a single charge -Per-Hit- on a target (so if it takes you 3-4 swings to kill your target there went 3-4 charges). Its always a trade off when enchanting your weapons like this, do you want to have more uses so you do not have to charge them up so often or do you want the enchantments to be more effective.

Hope this helps.