How long will side-quests last for


I've found myself in a bit of a pickle…I hopped aboard a helicopter ride after a certain quest. Early game spoiler:

It's the helicopter ride you take after you disable the signaling device that's been hacking into your company's computers.

I had a few side-quests that weren't complete yet before hopping onto the helicopter. Are they still going to be completeable after I return? Are there any side-quests that 'expire' if not done in enough time?

Best Answer

Some quests will not be available as there are some parts where you will not return to that location, so if you haven't completed them - you won't get another chance. There aren't any that have a specific time limit on them (other than you may need to complete certain aspects quickly).

You will return to Detroit, so any additional sub-quests will be available which don't involve the main plotline. However you will not always return 'home' so I recommend just doing them ASAP