How many Monoliths are in each system


I interacted with a Monolith and accidentally chose the wrong option (not the option that helps you locate a Portal).

Now I can't interact with it, and my navigation beacon isn't locating any more Monoliths.

Is there another Monolith in this system I can locate and use to find the local Portal?

I am especially curious because I see that the NMS Wiki post for Portals starts with this description:

Portals are structures in No Man's Sky that can be found on all celestial bodies of a star system, like Planets or their Moons. There is always one portal on each.

I have found a lot of information on the internet to be out of date when it comes to post-NEXT features, so I guess as a sub-question:

Is there still 1 Portal per celestial body?

It would make sense to me that if there was a Portal on each celestial body there would be at least 1 Monolith for each, right? But I am in a 2-body system, with only one Monolith being revealed.

Best Answer

There at least 3 monoliths per planet. I use my Nomad exocraft to scan for one, then fly to it with my ship, and repeat.