How much destruction can I cause to a building


When playing Battlefield 3, I've noticed that unlike many other shooters, I can actually damage buildings and other forms of cover. This is an interesting game mechanic, but I'm curious about its limits.

Is there a maximum amount of damage that I can do to a given structure? Can I cause it to collapse completely? Are there only certain structures that can be damaged? Beyond just blindly firing explosive weapons into a building, how do I tell if I can or can't do (additional) damage to a building?

Best Answer

Some buildings can be collapsed completely. Upon collapse they kill not only everyone inside, but also falling debris kills anyone standing to close on outside. This are typically small, house-like, one or two level buildings.

For some larger structure whole façades can be destroyed, core structure remains intact, but whole front will collapse. These are typically high-rise buildings in city levels.

Some buildings have destructible walls, however structure remains untouched. This are typically either ones with metal structure or the unfinished construction type of buildings (like for example ones at construction site in Karkand or Gulf of Oman).

As for weapons:

  • small caliber arms don't damage buildings
  • large caliber machine guns (like eg. .50) chip away walls bit by bit
  • canons, rockets, grenade launchers and C4 do significant amount of damage
  • hand grenades and claymores do no damage