How to beat the Katakan


So, I play the game on blood, sweat and tears. It's a good challenge, especially the bossmobs take me a while to beat and the game is overall really fun and challenging.

Recently, i started the quest

Now or Never where you have to help triss and several other wizards to escape from the city.

I ran through and killed the drowner, not a big problem. But then I encountered the katakan, and this guy is either buggy or completely unfair. I'm level 12, focused on the quick attack tree (20% bonus dmg with quick attacks) and I'm quite good at dodging attacks and dancing abround the battlefield. But I just can't beat this guy. He is regenerating health so damn fast that it's impossible for me to kill him. I have to attack nonstop, and once he hits me once, the delay is big enough to give him time to heal completely. Even casting Quen is not an option, since the delay is too big and he will just run away.

The stuff I've tried:

  • Using Thunderbolt potions, Quen and a flurry of quick attacks
  • Trapping him with Yrden
  • Using Igni to keep him damaged

None of them worked. I didn't even get him to 90% HP.

Is there ANY way to deal with this guy. Please not that I don't want to lower the difficulty.

Best Answer

Fight him during the afternoon. His regeneration is halfed.

NEVER fight vampires at night.