How to counter jets from little bird


Lately I'm playing on Silk Road often, with 2-3 friends.
We often play as Little-Bird squad and perform well in general.

A Little bird (Headseeker, 30mm, flares or ECM) with 2 repairman( RPG-7, repair-tool / Stinger, repair-tool)

However, when it comes to JET pilots which are at least a little above average on skill, we fail all the times.

If the jet has used flares and is in range, we instantly get him down (2 headseaker + 1 stinger).

What strategies can we use to get them jets down, when jet uses hit and run tactic, most times with flares not ECM?
Sometimes we have a engineer-player inside a Tank or LAV on the ground to (RPG / Repair-Tool), if this could become a factor.
Stressing the jet with LMG from vehicle isn't much of a help, due we have to be nearby the vehicle all the time, which would lower our effectiveness.

We've tried a lot, best strategies until now is the following:
Engie on the ground uses SOFLAM as secondary weapon on gunner slot.
He can provoke the jets to flare, sometimes but not very often.

But this has big problems:

  • We have to stay relatively close to ground personal
  • Ground personal could be in a separate fight which we could not end fast. Any inf coming toward our ground personal isn't a problem due we kill it fast, but tanks take time.
  • Jets still can escape
  • Ground personal takes some time to switch slot
  • Ground personal is completely immobile and relatively vulnerable while using SOFLAM

Best Answer

  1. Switch 25mm cannons to 7.62, they are more accurate and can damage jet more.
  2. Move! Don't let Jet line up with you. Change altitude and direction when you see attacking jet. Use terrain to hide from Jet.
  3. Use you base automated AA-turret. Spotted aircraft automaticaly targetter by it. If you can't deal with Jet yourself, retreat to base.
  4. Igla launcher will give engineer more range than Stinger: 450m vs 350m.

Since you have SOFLAM, you also can try to use Laser-Guided Helicopter missiles. They can be launched on laser-designated jet. Try it.

Equip pilot as Support with Ammo squad upgrades. With 4 level squad perk it will resupply onboard engineers with rockets.