How to make kills with Attack Jets on PC version of BF4


I often tried to play with attack jets in BF4 multiplayer but failed miserably.
To make clear which kind of planes I mean, the attack jets for each faction are: A10 (US), Frogfoot (RU) and Fantan (CN).

What makes it so difficult is that the initial secondary of those planes
are air-to-surface rockets that must lock on AND the player must hold the aim to the locked-on target after firing. The zoom of this weapon makes it even more unbearable. When I lower the thrust for having a little better chance for a successful rocket hit, I get killed by Anti-Air because I fly too slow for evasion. Sometimes the smoke/flares can save me from a Stinger/Igla but the cannons of the AA tanks tear me apart.

My question: How do I have to maneuver my attack jet on the PC for playing successfully?

The only guides I have found so far are for the consoles but I have no joystick or controller at my disposal, only mouse and keyboard.

Best Answer

I do figure 8 patterns always looping around the sides to come in across the map. On the attack run I am then headed into friendly territory (where there likely wont be any enemy AA). Usually the vehicles are positioned to protect them from the front line (like having a house between them and the opponent lines), which, with the attack run coming in from the side and behind, helps me line up laser guided hits. Most of the big vehicles can survive a hit, but if you find a damaged one, it will kill. Look for vehicles spotted on the minimap, since they likely are engaged already and may be damaged. Key thing, the laser guided is a definite secondary. The 30mm gau is your friend. Take out choppers, planes, stationary vehicles, and rack up the points until you unlock the other, better secondaries, like jdam or even the hydra rockets. If the figure 8 description isn't clear, I will edit.