How to determine what the stats of ascended armor will be


When an armor piece is ascended, its stats are increased to match the highest level gear that is currently available. Without actually ascending the item, is there any way to tell what its final stats will be? Obviously light will be 42 – I'm interested in the other stats on the item.

For example, if I have gauntlets with 36 Light, 52 Intellect, and 49 Discipline, once they are ascended how much Intellect and Discipline will they have?

Best Answer

It's around a 6% increase, but it seems that there is some rounding going on somewhere as it's not always exactly a 6% increase. For example, if you had a helmet with 36 light and 100 intellect and you ascended it to 42 light, you can expect the new max intellect value to be about 106-107 intellect.