How to find temporary corporation with 0% tax


I play Eve Online since few days ago and I like it. What I don't like is my default corporation eating 11% of my earnings. Can you suggest me some corporation with 0% tax? I found some in the game, but they seem to be inactive and no one is processing my application.

Best Answer

First of all, you shouldn't worry too much about taxes.

At first, it might look like a lot of money drained, but overall it doesn't apply to everything you earn (plus it only applies to sums being bigger than 100k isk).

Instead, you should try to find a corporation that fits your play style. If you're lucky, the corporation taxes will be lower as well (so it's a win-win) or you might get something back for your taxes (help, free modules, cheaper production stuff, etc.).

If you still think you really have to have mininmal taxes, just create your own corporation (there's a separated line of skills where you'll only need a rather minimalistic set to setup a basic corporation).