How to get horizontal movement with a rocket jump


Both this and this question provide good advice for various types of rocket-jumping, and I have followed these jumping techniques to the best of my ability, but there is one technique that continues to elude me as a solider.

Rapid forward momentum.

My rocket jumps carry a little forward momentum, but not nearly the map-crossing, spawn-killing, game-ruining techniques of legendary rocket jumpers.

What type of rocket-jumping can provide this tremendous forward momentum? Specifically, I know that 'skipping' provides map-clearing capabilities, but what about the initial momentum-creating jump? What are the ideal conditions for such a jump?

Best Answer

If you want to get vertical height, fire a rocket at the floor. If you want to get horizontal distance, fire a rocket at the wall. Crouch jumping amplifies the effect for both.

If you aim the rocket at about knee level on the wall, you'll give yourself the perfect angle to perform a couple speed pogos to gain even more momentum. Once you have this practiced, you'll be at the enemy's spawn gate in no time.