How to level up unarmed combat


Is there a way to level up unarmed combat (punching)?
I found a perk but I want to get better and level up!

Best Answer

In Skyrim, there is no class skill to level up unarmed combat (or Hand-to-Hand). Simply punching things won't help you.

There are, however, ways to improve your unarmed combat.

Kahjiit/Argonian: You Start off with a passive 20 damage if you are Argonian, and 25 damage if Kahjiit to unarmed attacks, these races make the unarmed warrior the most powerful threat early in the game.

Heavy Armor: I take the full tree since you are going to be right up in the enemy's face at all times, but you only need 30 points to get the Fist of Steel perk that will make any gauntlet's armor rating your attack damage.

Smithing: Armor is your weapon. Improve your armor for more damage.

Enchantment: This is what will make you truly deadly. Once you get the power to enchant you will be able to add Unarmed bonuses to all your armor and become a wrecking machine.

Source: giantbomb