How to recalibrate the Wiimote sword position while fighting


In Skyward Sword when I'm trying to strike my sword in the desired directions it often seems that the calibration has gone out of whack, so when I'm trying to strike left-to-right I end up just flailing around randomly.

With other weapons you point the Wiimote towards the screen and press the down arrow to recalibrate it, but when you have the sword out pressing down summons my guardian woman who just bangs on about the enemy I'm fighting.

Is there a way to ensure I get my sword back to a neutral position so my strikes can be more accurate? (Or is it just me being a crap sword fighter, and I should just be more careful and less flaily?)

Best Answer

You can go to the pause menu and click the down button in the D-pad, and it will center the Wii remote. (If that's what you wanted.)