PC NBA 2K19 – How to Save While Exiting in the Middle of a Game


I have NBA 2K19 on PC, and I like playing in "Play Now" mode (not MyCareer or MyLeague or anything else).

If I'm playing a game but get interrupted and can't finish playing right now and don't want to leave the game program running, how can I save the same so that I can exit the program, come back later, and open and resume that game?

It was possible on Xbox360 NBA 2K14, so I assume it's possible here, but I haven't figured it out.

As you can see in the screenshots, there isn't a clear option for saving.

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Best Answer

You can't save and quit play now because they don't count as one of your own files such as my career, my league... It is counted a quick match that doesn't affect your stats. I have a PS4 and I have the same problem, sometimes I have to quit in 4th quarter and I can't cause i'm winning and I don't want to just quit, so I put the PS4 on rest mode to continue later. But other than that I don't think there is a way to save before quiting.