How to shut Bradford up


He's starting to get on my nerves with all of the talk he produces during missions, ESPECIALLY during civilian rescue missions. He always says the same few lines over and over and over and I'd like to get his voice out of my head.

He says things all the time like:

  • "We're losing civilians left and right Commander, we need to STOP THIS"
  • "We're seeing heavy casualties Commander, we have to STOP THIS"

How can I reduce the amount of times he gets on the voice comms to nag me about how many HEAVY CASUALITIES I have been undergoing? This seems to be the status quo on just about every civilian rescue mission, even if only a few hostages have died so far.

Best Answer

As GodEmperorDune stated, the mod Quiet Bradford will shut him up, but only on retaliation missions.

The maker of the mod has stated on reddit he will later add functionality to shut him up in other non-retaliation missions.