In skyrim, how to get the companion to unequip this armor


So I picked up Mercurio, a mercenary mage, at the inn in Riften. We were on a quest with a lot of loot, so I had him carry some things for me. This just happened to include a full set of steel armor. So he decided to equip it, as companions often do when you hand them armor. But he won't uneuip it; I get error message "You can't take your teammate's starting armor." Obviously, this wasn't his starting armor. His starting armor was the Adept Robe of Destruction.

So now I have an utterly useless mage running around in full Steel armor, shield and everything, and apparently it's somehow become his default armor. I would really like to fix this, as he was quite the useful companion.

How do I solve this?

Best Answer

Unfortunately in vanilla Skyrim, there's no way to manage a follower's equipment to make them wear/remove gear.

If you are on the PC, there are several solutions:

  1. Console Commands: A combination of showinventory and equipitem will make the follower put on whatever you want to wear. Or you can use removeitem to remove the item from them completely.

  2. A mod such as this one will fix the issue as well.