Is it possible to auto-target in MW2 multi-player


In single player campaigns, you get an auto-target assist thingy when you press L1 on the PS Controller. Is there also something like that in multiplayer ?

I am a bit of a noob, and am getting royally pwnd by so many other faster players who can target me accurately. I have tried to customise the sensitivity of the controller, but just can't easily zero in on targets quickly. I know that latency (ie Ping) is not an issue.

Any player advice on this ?

Best Answer

It's impossible to get the same auto-aim feature in multiplayer (unless you hack I guess), but there is a slight auto-aim. When you're ADS (Aiming Down Sight), and an enemy runs really close to your sight, it'll move it. This is really annoying when you're sniping and another enemy crosses your sight.

Also, I haven't tested, but word on the street is that some holographic sights have more auto-aim than red dot sights.