Is it possible to lose contact with a region on purpose


I am in a bit of a pickle with my run through of the campaign.

I have already taken out the first black site and seem to be quite far into the tech tree as I don't have too much trouble with missions right now. However, I have procrastinated on taking out further advent facilities and now the avatar project has been finished, I am quite close to two other facilities but I am unable to make contact with their regions as I am full on contact spots.

I have about 12 days left in the countdown before game over. This means I am unable to complete the room that unlocks more contact spots because it will take like 15 days to build. On top of that, I don't have the necessary power for the building, and I have an upgraded power station with an engineer stationed there.

Is there a way to purposefully lose contact with one of my regions so I am able to gain contact with a region I actually need?

Best Answer

You can loose contact to a region, but not a chosen region as far as I know.

You have the following options:

  • Complete a blacksite mission/shadow chamber mission, or blow up an avatar facility
  • Complete the first skulljack mission (that is: jack in, kill the thingy)
  • Complete the second skulljack mission (that is: jack in, kill the scarrier thingy)
  • Fail to respond to the mission to rescue a civilian outpost (or fail the mission by any means). It will make the outpost "regroup", which will sever the contact with this region. Note that this is on a 6 week timer. It might not come around soon enough.
  • Use skull mining on a soldier, and successfully get a facility lead. You must have no facility lead in storage. If you already had one in storage, what are you waiting for. Once you obtain one, you need to "research" it, then you attack the facility. The facility lead can also be a reward from hacking a "lamp post", but it seems quite rare.
  • Complete a mission that has a contact slot as the reward. Then make contact.

No other missions have a way of reducing the avatar timer as far as I know.