League-of-legends – Are champion-specific rune pages needed in order to be competitive


ATM I always have a runepage for general ADC's, Junglers etc. but not for specific champions, does it make a big difference if you play with general runes or runes for every specific champion? I mean do you have big disadvantages that matter, or should I only take the afford for ranked games?

Would be great if an experienced player could give some feedback on this 🙂

Best Answer

Unless you're trying out a very unique and special build, rune pages for a specific role are often very similar. For example, most ADC's want attack damage or armor penetration, armor, magic resistance (per level) and either more attack damage, more armor penetration, or attack speed. Which of the choices you pick depends more on your preferences and play style, as they are all viable for most ADC's. Ideally, you'd want a specialised rune page for each group of champions, but if you're short on IP or rune pages, this makes too little of a difference to matter.

If you're mainly playing a single role and have several champions available for it, creating several rune pages for that role and just one generic page for each other role you can play is your best bet. That way, you can diversify within your role, but keep the flexibility to play any role. This again depends on the number of rune pages and runes you have in the first place. The flexibility is much more important than the diversity within one role. It's better to be able to play whatever role your team needs well than to play only one role perfectly.

But you really don't need a page per champion. Actually, if you start making them, you will notice that the differences are sometimes simply not there and sometimes negligible. You might also notice that different people and guides use different rune pages for the same reasons. That also shows it's more or less irrelevant which approach you take and you can very well use only one rune page for several or all champions fulfilling a specific role.