League-of-legends – Are dead-end items worth the inventory slots


There are a great many of items on the Fields of Justice, but not all of them are incredibly powerful, although these undermined items often have much smaller price tags. How often should someone use items like Haunting Guise and Doran's items, which all have important stat combinations that aren't often seen elsewhere. Is it better for me to focus on getting items I can complete early on, or save up for something larger like Infinity Edge or Rabadon's Deathcap?

Best Answer

That depends on each match you're playing.

If you can always save up for the best items,however if you're having problems farming creeps and things like that because enemies are stronger then you and they're giving you too much trouble then buy few more doran items or something else that is cheap but gives nice decent stats for the price (like wriggle for AD champions because it's very cheap and gives pretty good stats). Of course once you fill your inventory sell the weak/cheap items you bought before to make you more viable in game and buy something better.