League-of-legends – Is it worth if the entire team takes smite


I just looked at the jungle mob respawn timings and i noticed that the dragon already spawns at 2:30. It's nearly impossible to kill it by then but then i thought; what if every team member gets smite and just walks there and smites the dragon.

Quick math

dragon having 3500hp + 240/min 
smite having 460 + (30 * champ level)

Assuming everybody is level 2 by the time 2:30 is reached
460 + (30 * 2) = 520 * 5 champs = 2600 damage

Assuming everybody is level 3 by the time 2:30 is reached
460 + (30 * 3) = 550 * 5 champs = 2750 damage

So its pretty safe to say that the damage purely made by smiting is somewhere between 2600 and 2750. Leaving the dragon with only 750 – 900 hp left. This is quickly cleaned up by the 2 bot champs or bot champ and jungler (or something like that).

This can obviously be repeated multiple time each resulting in a quick dragon and possible a quicker baron.

My question is; is it worth taking smite over for example flash (if your champ has a natural escape) or ignite/exhaust for the damage finisher?

Best Answer

Let's assume that we're working from the bottom left corner of the map, so that your bot lane has access to golems, and your jungle path can be blue->wolves->wraiths->dragon.

A lane can probably get two wave clears in, if they're willing to spam abilities and attack whenever possible, not just last-hitting, which is about 530 experience for the solo lanes. You'll probably want top lane to clear the small lizards and wolves so that he'll be less far behind when he returns to lane.

Top will probably need to be running Smite/Teleport, so he can join the dragon on a dropped ward, rather than running the full distance, and tank the dragon after which he can recall, buy, and be about even with his opponent.

The global gold and experience from Dragon will probably really help Mid and Bot lanes, who won't necessarily need to recall immediately, and can use the level boost to be minor lane bullies, although they'll have to be very careful about overextending, because they'll have one fewer summoner than they're used to.

While you will have a lead, you'll be more susceptible than usual to ganks, or less able to convert your advantages into kills. Summoner spells like Cleanse and Exhaust are particularly useful in late-game teamfights, so you need to use the bonus gold and xp to snowball quickly.

While that might look rather rosy, it assumes a certain lack of counterplay. If your team is all taking smite, the chance that you'll be invaded is very high, and even one team member being killed or forced to recall instantly lowers your burst damage by 500 points, probably more than you can recover at such low level.

In summary: I'd consider it a very High-Risk play, and one that doesn't result in more than a moderate advantage if successful.