League-of-legends – Can a casual, ‘bad’ player compete with other casual, ‘bad’ players around the same skill


Is there any way or skill system in League of Legends to challenge people around the same skill level?

Basic story:
My friends and I get together for gaming once a week for a couple hours. Normally, this is the only time we play video games due to getting old, having a wife, kids, job etc. The few times we try to play League of Legends to relive the glory days we are stomped so hard our team k/d ratio is 1/20ish.

Will the system eventually pit us against other players of somewhat similar skill levels as we are just playing un-ranked mode or does skill of players not get calculated in this game?

Best Answer

In every game mode you have a hidden MMR (Matchmaking Rating). It is based on the Elo System but as already said: It's hidden. Now the most accurate this MMR gets is by calculating your Win/Loss ratio. In-game stats may be important but they aren't reliable. A Toplaner with 0/3/0 Can still win a match and be the deciding factor in a lategame teamfight. May it only be because he's behind and getting focussed first instead of the ADC. The system can't really look at your actual skill since there are other factors than a KDA that win a game.

Since you were talking about these "Glory Days" I assume you guys used to be better at league as you are now. If you don't play for a while your real skill will get worse, maybe your League points in ranked may even drop but your MMR remains the same. This can be a real problem. I experienced this myself (I didn't play league for a month or so and after that I dropped from plat 1 to plat 5). Basically: You have to continue to lose until your MMR gets rebalanced.

The only thing that you could actually try is a Ranked 5v5 or 3v3 Team. In this Queue you have a team MMR instead of single ones for each individual player. The only 2 disadvantages to the team method are: You have to play draft-pick and it can be really frustrating since usually players have much higher soloq ratings than team ratings (Most Gold 5 Teams consist of only Platinum/Diamond Soloqueue Players).

Other than that the only thing you can do is Playing until your MMR reaches your skill level (Be it through getting better yourself or just losing alot)